inkGround is situated within a patchwork of diverse and stunning ecosystems- forest, river, pasture, mountains, ocean, and from these intertwining landscapes we and our workshop participants/guests receive much inspiration and rejuvenation.
For the first decade of its existence, inkBoat functioned as a nomadic entity, a company of elasticity, in terms of both physical location and contributing members from within the United States, various countries in Europe and Japan. Founder Shinichi had long been interested in finding a way to connect his dance investigations and creations with a country-side existence, influenced by his years in the German countryside working with Yumiko Yoshioka in Schloss Broellin. His wife Dana, having spent several years dancing and farming in Japan with Min Tanaka, shared a similar dream of creating a place in nature where dance could be researched in and amongst the natural world. Towards this goal, Dana, Shinichi and long time collaborator Dan Rathbun transformed the Rathbun barn into a dance studio, deep in the remote Mattole Valley of California’s “Lost Coast.” That studio is the the site of our annual summer “Dance on Land” workshop as well as our residency space for intensive rehearsals.
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