Hone the sensing, mapping and moving of our body systems through an immersive dance workshop in Portugal October 7, 8, 9 2022 Dana and Shinichi Iova-Koga guide this workshop in…
Hone the sensing, mapping and moving of our body systems through an immersive dance workshop in Portugal October 7, 8, 9 2022 Dana and Shinichi Iova-Koga guide this workshop in…
Deconstruct Darkness with SHINICHI IOVA-KOGA Never fixed in culture or time, this dance remains a personal investigation.We strengthen trust in our bodies by developing energy-efficient motion and connectivity. Our clarity…
Our guest choreographer Ann Carlson is a fountain of creativity. She brings brightness into every step and word, crafting this, the first inkBoat duet of Dana Iova-Koga and myself. We…
The Minako Seki Method departs from imagination and the endless possibilities of it. Through imagination we can connect consciousness with unconsciousness, as well as micro cosmos with macro cosmos. Imagination…
Taught by Shinichi Iova-Koga The culture and training of each individual infuses Butoh dance with vital new perspectives and flavors. Digging into self-formation and history ripens the dancer’s transformation process. The…
Dao Yin and Qi Gong principles work to both clear the channels and nourish the Qi within the body. Instructor: Shinichi Iova-KogaAuthorized Nei Gong Instructor with Lotus Nei Gong Dao…
“The simplicity and rigor of the tiny gestures appeared to come from somewhere outside time. The force with which they repeatedly fell or threw themselves to the floor looked propelled by more than earthly gravity.”
-Rita Felciano, Dance View Times
““95 Rituals,” a perambulatory birthday tribute to the modern dance pioneer devised by physical theater and dance company inkBoat… mix humor, introspection, playfulness and memory with fearless gestures and thoughtfully crafted drama.” – Mary Ellen Hunt, SF Chronicle, 2015