Dao Yin and Qi Gong principles work to both clear the channels and nourish the Qi within the body.
Instructor: Shinichi Iova-Koga
Authorized Nei Gong Instructor with Lotus Nei Gong
Dao Yin practices strengthen the interconnected and elasticated quality of the sinews to develop a more resilient web of tissue throughout the body. Dao Yin opens and strengthens the joints and spaces between the sinews, allowing more efficient energy production on a cellular level. Energetic information travels more efficiently when the paths remain open, allowing pathogenic qi to exit the body.
(the syllabus includes Dragon and Wu Dao Yin forms)
Qi Gong nourishes the body, enhancing blood flow and smoothing the flow of Qi through the channels of the body. To begin this process, the correct alignment of bones and the effective sinking of body mass allows the soft, connective tissues to change under constructive stress. As a byproduct, body integration and strength increase.
(the syllabus includes Ji Ben and Wu Xing Qi Gong forms)
Where Dao Yin’s open the pathways, Qi Gong develops the quality of what travels those pathways. Both Dao Yin’s and Qi Gong rely on the strength of the lower Dan Tian. “Tian” translates to “field” which in the case of the lower Dan Tian refers to a containment (Yin) field that holds the activating (Yang) Qi. The movement and pressurization of the Qi promotes enhanced blood flow, opening the channels of the body, and strengthening the movement of Qi.