The combination of dedicated participants, beautifully held space for exploration, loving facilitation and communal spirit made for a very exceptional experience!

Heyward Bracey, Dance on Land participant

inkBoat trainings provide awareness practices to hone internal sensibilities and physical expression, stemming from improvisational training (Action Theater™) and Japanese performing arts (Body Weather Training, Butoh Dance). We refine the body and mind utilizing Daoist Internal Arts (Yang Sheng Gong, Dao Yin, Qi Gong, Nei Gong), as well as MovNat® and Noguchi Taiso.

Focus on the body, it’s connectivity, strength and integrity.
Allow the mind access to the connective tissues, release the tension that constricts the breath.
Dance with the unknown.

Upcoming Events

Dao Yin, Qi Gong, Nei Gong

Koga Internal Arts: Dao Yin and Qi Gong


Dao Yin and Qi Gong principles work to both clear the channels and nourish the Qi within the body. Instructor: Shinichi Iova-KogaAuthorized Nei Gong Instructor with Lotus Nei Gong Dao…

Our ON DEMAND (pre-recorded) lessons are available to support your practice at home, focused on building a consistent and lasting physical practice to serve you in life, developing greater mobility, flexibility, circulation, alignment and strength.

What do you want to unfold?

Private Sessions with Shinichi or Dana
Refine your practice or performance work. Contact us at to arrange an appointment.

Training Modalities

This training focuses on the interconnected nature of soft tissues (including fascia), muscle, bone and the various regions of the body to promote vitality and strength. Instruction by Shinichi Iova-Koga Authorized Nei Gong Instructor with Lotus Nei Gong

For all bodies who wish to create artful play between raw, earthy elements, personal expression and development. Taught by Shinichi Iova-Koga and Dana Iova-Koga

Improvisational training for movers, musicians and theatrical performers. Taught by Shinichi Iova-Koga Authorized Action Theater™ Teacher by Ruth Zaporah.

Never fixed in culture or time, this dance remains a personal investigation. Taught by Shinichi Iova-Koga

Physical tune-up for health and longevity open to all levels and body types. Taught by Wudang West (Switzerland): Shinichi Iova-Koga & Dana Iova-Koga authorized by Wudang West / David Wei

Cultivate a body that is sensate, sensitive and dynamic, a body that, like the weather, is capable of shifting and transforming at any moment. Taught by Dana Iova-Koga

Find greater awareness of our inner state, bring the nervous system into balance, promote better circulation of fluids and energy in the body. Taught by Dana Iova-Koga Certified Qi Gong teacher by Holden Qi Gong.

From the foundational MovNat® curriculum we play with some of the most innate and essential movements for the human body. Taught by Dana Iova-Koga, authorized MovNat® Level 1 Instructor

A system of releasing unnecessary tension and developing a responsive and dynamic body for life, dance, performance and sports. Taught by Shinichi Iova-Koga

For artists exploring the structural development of the performative act. Taught by Shinichi Iova-Koga

TEDx Talk on Improvisation by Shinichi
Dance on Land
Bath Spa University Workshop by Shinichi

Subscribe for updated practice and training information

Contact us for further information

inkBoat's Dana Iova-Koga at Dance on Land in the Mattole Valley, California.

Part of Nature


Shinichi and Dana Iova-Koga…. came together through a mutual love for connecting the dancing body with nature. Dana graduated from NYU’s Experimental Theater Wing, and Shinichi was the son of…

Dance on Land, inkGRound, inkBoat, Amy Rathbone

Dance on Land 2014 (photo gallery)


Practice. For a brief period of time, through our activities at Dance on Land, the lens we look through sees every activity as practice. Eat and be aware of the…

Shannon’s DANCE on LAND Testimonial

| TESTIMONIALS | No Comments

“I had a very warming, grounding, and rare experience at Dance on Land, dancing where the river and ocean met and throwing the wind, in the fields, while a herd…