Instructors: Dana and Shinichi Iova-Koga Dana and Shinichi provide a personal guidance into Butoh, based on the meeting points of thier own backgrounds and that of the participants. Within the…
Instructors: Dana and Shinichi Iova-Koga Dana and Shinichi provide a personal guidance into Butoh, based on the meeting points of thier own backgrounds and that of the participants. Within the…
Saturday, November 23, 10:30AM – 12:30PM Western Sky Studio, 2525 8th Street, Berkeley, CA “Meet the Moment,” an invitation into the performative act, utilizing prompts from Butoh, Martial Arts and…
Luzern, Switzerland: October 5 and 6, 2024 The slow movement associated with Butoh dance connects in my mind to a basic martial arts saying: move slowly to develop smoothness. Smoothness…
Led by Shinichi and Dana Iova-Koga. In this intensive we move in relation to the quiet, reflective qualities of early winter, engaging with complex movement investigations that challenge the body…
Hone the sensing, mapping and moving of our body systems through an immersive dance workshop in Portugal October 7, 8, 9 2022 Dana and Shinichi Iova-Koga guide this workshop in…
Deconstruct Darkness with SHINICHI IOVA-KOGA Never fixed in culture or time, this dance remains a personal investigation.We strengthen trust in our bodies by developing energy-efficient motion and connectivity. Our clarity…
Taught by Shinichi Iova-Koga The culture and training of each individual infuses Butoh dance with vital new perspectives and flavors. Digging into self-formation and history ripens the dancer’s transformation process. The…
August 24, 25 (Saturday, Sunday) 201910:00 – 17:00 In this two-day workshop led by Dana and Shinichi Iova-Koga we will develop qualities of movement, our connection to the ground and…
Led by Shinichi and Dana Iova-Koga of inkBoat this will be a unique training opportunity, a chance to train, develop and articulate abilities, awareness and possibilities as a human, mover…